Teach you three methods for cleaning the floor dust
點擊數:30982018-07-17 14:20:43 來源: 佛山市南海邦盾裝飾材料有限公司
Its clean the floor first of all bear in mind that as long as it's not through special craft processing, also has the natural attributes of wood floor is not a lot of contact with water, because wood is one of natural properties easily swell deformation, can only be used for removing a dry dishcloth, containing a small amount of water as a tool for cleaning maintenance. The coming summer, also began to more dust in the home, although closed out home are closed but soon was always a thick layer of float ash wood floor, how to clean the dust on the floor, you have a headache problem, now to introduce the three basic methods.
Clean the floor first recruit: flat mop, abroad, the use of a crude fibre, concave sudden feeling strong clean towels, and add a product used together with adsorption effects. The specific method is to dry woolen brush towel clip on the flat floor mop, brush towel spray some dirt on adsorbent, and then wipe the floor surface, hair and dust can be absorbed in woolen clean towel. Where is completed, the clean towel off, pool cleaning, dry. The whole process does not need cleaner. Because no matter use which kinds of detergent, can make the floor surface more or less lose luster.
The second recruit: the floor is clean, floor cleaner, there has been no specially suitable for household operation and suitable for use on real wood floor cleaner (mostly cleaner need to be diluted, and need to cooperate with relevant equipment) as a result, floor cleaner is mainly used in is not sensitive to acid, alkali and water soaking engineering on the ground, for example: plastic floor, etc.
Three recruit: the floor is clean dry towel to wipe, it belongs to the most people who have a special liking to real wood floor in the floor maintenance very attentively. Its purpose is far from the daily cleaning operation. Specific methods quite tedious, here is not described in detail.